Friday, April 1, 2011

OB appt 24 weeks

We had our 24 week appt yesterday (Thursday) and we attempted to repeat the ultrasound since our last one at 20 weeks was interrupted by a fiesty little girl! Spoiler alert though...this one didn't go too much better! Emilee had a GREAT strong heartbeat at 137 bpm. Weighs in at exactly 1 pound, 8 ounces. She measures alittle ahead of schedule in some areas, right on schedule in most. So no change in due dates... We are still trucking right along to July! We also met with our midwife, Dana. I have honestly grown to love her sooo much more than I thought I would. Midwives to me are so "old days" but Dana is right there with me every step of the way and even gave me her number yesterday so that when I go into labor I can call her day or night and she will come deliver my child...Not many doctors will do that for you. In fact, I am not sure ANY will. So I really love her for that. And she cries with me, and laughs with me and we just click. Keith really likes her too, she is always showing him and teaching him how to feel the outlines of my uterus so we can watch my belly grow, and shows him how to find the baby and such. Of course, Dana said everything was right on track and had no issues with anything. Says my pregnancy is a breeze. We will go back in 4 weeks for our 28 week appointment and at that time we will do the glucose test again to test for gestational diabetes and then we will start going EVERY 2 weeks! OMG! So close!

As I mentioned earlier, our ultrasound was eventful again. She cooperated ALITTLE bit better than last but not much. She really loves to keep her hands and arms up near her face so we can't see anything. We did get to see her heart though which was most important to me. I read alot of blogs that have either lost children due to congenital heart defects or are expecting children with them. So I was super worried about it. But I am VERY happy to report her little heart it perfect. I personally counted 4 chambers, watched the blood flow through her heart, saw those valves opening and closing, and saw a really nice strong beat. So that relieved me so much. We still didn't get everything they need so I will most likely have to have another ultrasound but of course I don't mind that. However, Miss Emilee did show us her little mouth for a moment when she STUCK her tongue out at us! We were fortunate enough to get pictures of it but of course seeing in in real time was amazing. I know I will have a full time job on my hands with this little girl. She is going to be something! Her little legs never stop moving either. She is definitely very active! HA!

And that is it. Everything is going great and I couldn't be happier. Now if I could just pick out a stroller....

See ya soon!

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