Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Prego Mego-19 Weeks

Here we are... 19 weeks already! Next week, I will be saying "we are HALF way through!'.... AHmazing to say the least.

19 week update

Weight gain/loss: I weighed this morning and had gained a pound. 1 pound in 19 weeks isn't too shabby I don't think.

Gender: IT'S A GIRL!!!!...Emilee Sullivan
(side note: we are having problems deciding on a middle name, so if anyone has a suggestion, send it on)

Size: This week Emilee ( I just LOVE saying/typing her name) is the size of a mango! (picture take from thebump.com)

Symptoms: ALOT of bilateral hip pain and back pain. Miss Emilee loves to hang out on my hips and rarely moves from them, so it puts alot of strain on my back. Other than that, nothing out of the ordinary. Tired alot but that is COMMON with me, and not just because I am pregnant. HA!

Maternity Clothes: I have them and wear them, but don't have to..they are just so comfy!

Sleep: Still sleeping great. Wake up at least once to go to the bathroom. But its a PAIN to get up in the morning!

Miss: Nothing at all.

Movement: Some every now and then. Daddy still can't feel it yet, and mommy only sometimes does, but it feels great and I can't wait for her first big KICK!

and finally the update from thebump.com:
"Vernix caseosa, a greasy white substance made of lanugo, oil, and dead skin cells (yum) now coats baby's skin, shielding it from the amniotic fluid. (Picture yourself after a nine-month bath, and the need for protection makes sense.) You might get to see the vernix at birth, especially if baby is premature."

See ya next week for the MIDWAY post! And I am still working on the announcement party. Waiting on my pictures.

Monday, February 21, 2011

It's a.....

Hush little baby.... don't say a word....

Mommy can now tell you...

that I am a....


Emilee (middle name pending!) Sullivan due July 19, 2011.

Post about our gender reveal party to follow once I get pictures!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Prego Mego- Week 18

Today, I am 18 weeks pregnant! Soon we will be half way through this. It's kinda bitter sweet. I am enjoyng my pregnancy sooooo much... I don't want it to end but then again I want my baby here so badly! This week we also celebrated Valentine's Day, and we are busy preparing for our Gender Announcement party that is this weekend.

18 Weeks

Weight gain/loss: Still holding steady. No weight gain or loss.

Size: Baby Sullivan is the size of a sweet potato! See picture below from thebump.com

Maternity Clothes: I have them, I like to wear them. I don't need to, but I do. Last night, for Valentine's day I wore a really cute shirt donated by my sister. It was super cute. Other than that, it is normal clothes. Even blue jeans that I haven't worn since high school!

Sleep: Sleeping good with only minimal bathroom breaks during the night.

Symptoms: None really. Baby Sullivan definitely likes to hang out on my left hip bone. I can feel the pressure ALL DAY! He/she loves it there. I guess its comfy??? Maybe??? None the less, by the end of the day, I am kinda dragging my leg behind me and begging my child to move! Is it too early to ground my child? Other than that, still dealing with that no appetite thing. But I am handling it.

Miss: Not a thing. I am enjoying this so much I don't have time to miss anything.

Movement: I feel the baby every now and then, but not all day every day. I can't wait for that! I also can't wait for daddy to feel the baby. I know he will love it.

And finally: whats going on this week courtesy of thebump.com:
"Baby's become amazingly mobile (compared to you, at least), passing the hours yawning, hiccupping, rolling, twisting, kicking, punching, sucking, and swallowing. And baby is finally big enough that you'll soon be able to feel her movements."

As I mentioned earlier, this week was also Valentine's day. Keith took me out to a wonderful dinner at the Melting Pot. It was divine as usual. I could eat there every single day. End of story. Unfortunately, my (maybe?) expanding belly or a baby sitting around the stomach area has decreased the amount of food intake! Here are some pictures from the night:
 Getting ready to leave.

 Melting Pot gave the ladies a long stem red rose when we arrived.

See ya next week!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Finding out what baby is....

As I mentioned in my last post, Keith and I found out what we were having last Wednesday. It was a complete serendipitous moment. One of those off chance happenings...

I was at work Wednesday afternoon (after fetching the hubby from the airport) and went to the breakroom to get a piece of king cake a rep had brought. Autumn, the rep, and I got to talking and turns out she works at First Glimpse Imaging and asked if I wanted to know what I was having that NIGHT! Who turns that down??? NOT this pregnant lady! So off we went! We got scanned for about 1.5 hours...it was fabulous. We have quite the mover and shaker on our hands. Baby Sullivan moved and grooved all over his/her little home!

So without further adue.....



Ha! You dind't think I was going to blow the surprise did you!?!?! WRONG! Our announcement party will be the 19th of February so it stays locked up til then!

17 Weeks- Prego Mego

17 weeks today! YAY! Breezing through this pregnancy if I do say so myself! So here is the update.

Week 17 Highlights

Weight Gain/Loss: Another pound lost!

Size: This week, baby Sullivan is the size of a onion! See picture from thebump.com

Maternity Clothes: None yet. Have started to look at a maternity scrub top... think I will just need one, but my little belly is starting to pull my shirt up alittle!

Sleep: Sleeping perfect. Few bathroom breaks a night.

Symptoms: Heartburn depending on what I eat. SOOO TIRED...and some back pain. But we recently had an ultrasound that showed that Baby Sullivan LOVES to hang out on mommy's hip bones and back bones.

Miss: How could I miss anything when I am so unbelievably happy?

Feelings: See above!

Movement: Maybe alittle, not much! Waiting for that first big sign of life!

Last week.... on Wednesday, we got the most wonderful chance of fate and found out what the baby is! SO WE KNOW! And can't tell! AH!

And the weekly update from thebump.com:
"Baby's skeleton is hardening, changing from rubbery cartilage to bone, and fat is finally accumulating around it. His umbilical cord is getting thicker and stronger, and those little fingers and toes now feature one-of-a-kind prints."

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

16 Weeks

Today I am 16 weeks pregnant! Almost to the half way point.. weird huh? I swear it's flying by... literally. So here we go!

How Far: 16 Weeks

Size: Baby Sullivan is now the size of avocado...which is a gross looking veggie (fruit??)...anyway, see picture below taken from thebump.com

Weight gain/loss: Holding steady at a 16 or 17 pound weight loss.

Maternity clothes: Have them, haven't worn them yet... Getting excited about wearing them soon though!

Sleep: Sleeping good. I am still sleeping on my stomach, which all the books say is a big NO NO, but I can't help it! I start out on my side, and then I end up on my back. So I go back to my side, and then end up back on my stomach. My sister, who is my go to for prego info, says it's ok...so we will go with that. I have noticed that the more I sleep on my belly the more frequently I have to get up to go to the bathroom at night, I think Baby gets squished up in there and kicks my bladder til I get up! HA! I told Keith that most likely I am laying on the babies foot and he/she are like GET OFF MOM!

Symptoms: Heartburn, some back pain...especially in the afternoon after working all day. And like I mentioned in the last post, the hormones swing the emotions all day long.

Miss: Mountain Dew. I haven't missed it til I was at WalMart the other day and saw one in the little cooler near the cash register... and I wanted it so bad. But didn't want to give the baby that MUCH sugar!

Feelings: Hormones...nuff said. I feel it all x100%.

Movement: None recently that I have noticed.

This week was a first for me, Sophie, and Baby Sullivan. Daddy went on a business trip that required a PLANE trip.. Remember those hormones that I mentioned earlier...you should have seen the blubbering pregnant mess I was in the New Orleans airport on Monday morning. I swear, I would have thrown myself onto the tarmac if I thought I could get away with it and not be arrested by TSA.... thankfully his flight got off and landed safely and he is enjoying Nashville, Tennessee....which is the home to this mommy's most favorite artist ever...Taylor Swift! I have sent him on a mini "stalking" mission to find her... Keith asked about moving there...I said thats cool! I can be BFF with Taylor! HA! However, the WINTER STORM of 2011 is possibly going to hinder his arrival home... but we are hoping not.

And finally the update from thebump.com:
"Watch what you say...tiny bones forming in baby's ears mean she can now pick up your voice. A few more minuscule changes: Eyebrows, lashes, and hair are starting to fill in, and taste buds are forming." <---- does this mean that baby might hear me singing Taylor in my car at the top of my lungs!!?! Hope he/she is a fan too!

15 Weeks

OMG! I forgot to do week 14 post...My bad... this preggy mommy is sooo busy its hard to do an update! So here is 15...at least I remembered!

15 Weeks

How far: (Tuesday) I made 15 weeks!! YAY!

Size: Baby Sullivan is the size of a naval orange. Can I just insert here how GREAT it feels to go to thebump.com and click on SECOND trimester rather than first? Anyway, see our naval orange below brought to you by thebump.com

Weight Gain/Loss: about 16 or 17 pounds down. But I seem to be holding steady, maybe we are evening out.

Maternity Clothes: None, I have some shirts that I can't wait to wear. I think I may finally be getting a baby bump...a very small one, but I think it's there...I can't wait to just POP there is the baby belly.

Sleep: Sleeping good, but getting up alot more frequently to use the bathroom than I did in the first trimester. But I have very much so increased my liquids. Baby Sullivan lets me know ASAP if I am not getting enough water... he/she causes back pains, kidney pain, and abdominal pains if I haven't drank enough.

Symptoms: The heartburn is back... good thing I LOVE me some tums.. I am more partial to the red... they need to make a whole bottle of red only. Like the "FavorREDS" starburst. Headaches are much better since entering the second trimester. Baby Sullivan has been letting me know about some foods he/she doesn't like.. Like my favorite food Chicken and Rice.... He/she HATED it...and this broke this mommy's heart..cause I LOVE IT.

Miss: Nothing at all. I am enjoying everything.

Feelings: You name it, I got it. I cry, get mad, swing every emotion in the book multiple times a day. I have noticed that around 2 PM everyday I get veryyyyy emotional..like go to the bathroom at work, have a small mini breakdown and then I'm good.

Movement: You may notice this a new one in my post, and I put it here because I THINK I may have felt the baby move recently. I had just gotten out the shower and was relaxing on the couch before going to bed and then BAM..I felt this tickle across my tummy...kinda like a little bug had scurried across it, or maybe that Sophie had tickled me with her whiskers. But Sophie was asleep on the bed, and I didn't see a bug. So I can only think it was the baby. Daddy was very upset he missed it and spent the next 20 minutes with hands on my belly begging baby to do it again. In due time daddy, in due time.

And finally: here is what is happening this week...taken from thebump.com:
"Continuing the march toward normal proportions, baby's legs now out-measure his arms. And, finally, all four limbs have functional joints. Your fetus is squirming and wiggling like crazy down in the womb, though you probably can't feel the movements just yet."

See ya next week!